
Vive in crescendo
Este es el último regalo de Stephen R. Covey para el mundo, su obra maestra. Vive in crescendo, escrito en coautoría con su hija Cynthia, es un texto inspirador y poderoso capaz de transformar vidas. Con un abanico de historias, los autores le compartirán el método más eficaz para mirar hacia el
futuro con esperanza, un futuro en el que podrá seguir creciendo y aprendiendo a cualquier edad. Esta es la herramienta con la cual será capaz de iluminar su vida y las de aquellos que le rodean.

580.00 L 290.00 L 290.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The Half Moon
From the bestselling author of Ask Again, Yes, a masterful and “absorbing” (The New York Times) novel about a couple in a small town navigating the complexities of marriage, family, and longing.

Malcolm Gephardt, handsome and gregarious longtime bartender at the Half Moon, has always dreamed of owning a bar. When his boss finally retires, Malcolm stretches to buy the place. He sees unquantifiable magic and potential in the Half Moon and hopes to transform it into a bigger success, but struggles to stay afloat.

His smart and confident wife, Jess, has devoted herself to her law career. After years of trying for a baby, she is facing the idea that motherhood may not be in the cards for her. Like Malcolm, she feels her youth beginning to slip away and wonders how to reshape her future.

“A quick and impactful read that will stay with you long after you finish it” (theSkimm), The Half Moon takes place over the course of one week when Malcolm learns shocking news about Jess, a patron of the bar goes missing, and a blizzard hits the town of Gillam, trapping everyone in place. With a deft eye and generous spirit, Mary Beth Keane explores the disappointments and unexpected consolations of midlife, the many forms forgiveness can take, the complicated intimacy of small-town living, and what it means to be a family.

530.00 L 265.00 L 265.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Power and Progress
The bestselling co-author of Why Nations Fail and the bestselling co-author of 13 Bankers deliver a bold reinterpretation of economics and history that will
fundamentally change how you see the world.

A thousand years of history and contemporary evidence make one thing clear: progress depends on the choices we make about technology. New ways of organizing production and communication can either serve the narrow interests of an elite or become the foundation for widespread prosperity.
930.00 L 651.00 L 651.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The True Love Experiment
Sparks fly when a romance novelist and a documentary filmmaker join forces to craft the perfect Hollywood love story and take both of their careers to the next level—but only if they can keep the chemistry between them from taking the whole thing off script—from the New York Times bestselling authors of The Soulmate Equation and The Unhoneymooners.

Felicity “Fizzy” Chen is lost. Sure, she’s got an incredible career as a beloved romance novelist with a slew of bestsellers under her belt, but when she’s asked to give a commencement address, it hits her: she hasn’t been practicing what she’s preached.

Fizzy hasn’t ever really been in love. Lust? Definitely. But that swoon-worthy, can’t-stop-thinking-about-him, all-encompassing feeling? Nope. Nothing. What happens when the optimism she’s spent her career encouraging in readers starts to feel like a lie?

Connor Prince, documentary filmmaker and single father, loves his work in large part because it allows him to live near his daughter. But when his profit-minded boss orders him to create a reality TV show, putting his job on the line, Connor is out of his element. Desperate to find his romantic lead, a chance run-in with an exasperated Fizzy offers Connor the perfect solution. What if he could show the queen of romance herself falling head-over-heels for all the world to see? Fizzy gives him a hard pass—unless he agrees to her list of demands. When he says yes, and production on The True Love Experiment begins, Connor wonders if that perfect match will ever be in the cue cards for him, too.

The True Love Experiment is the book fans have been waiting for ever since Fizzy’s debut in the New York Times bestselling The Soulmate Equation. But when the lights come on and all eyes are on her, it turns out the happily ever after Fizzy had all but given up on might lie just behind the camera.
490.00 L 245.00 L 245.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The Summer Place
When her twenty-two-year-old stepdaughter announces her engagement to her pandemic boyfriend, Sarah Danhauser is shocked. But the wheels are in motion. Headstrong Ruby has already set a date (just three months away!) and spoken to her beloved safta, Sarah’s mother Veronica, about having the wedding at the family’s beach house in Cape Cod. Sarah might be worried, but Veronica is thrilled to be bringing the family together one last time before putting the big house on the market.

When the wedding day arrives, lovers are revealed as their true selves, misunderstandings take on a life of their own, and secrets come to light. There are confrontations and revelations that will touch each member of the extended family, ensuring that nothing will ever be the same.

From “the undisputed boss of the beach read” (The New York Times), The Summer Place is a testament to family in all its messy glory; a story about what we sacrifice and how we forgive. Enthralling, witty, big-hearted, and sharply observed, “this first-rate page-turner” (Publishers Weekly) is Jennifer Weiner’s love letter to the Outer Cape and the power of home, the way our lives are enriched by the people we call family, and the endless ways love can surprise us.

540.00 L 270.00 L 270.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Most people believe that the best way to motivate is with rewards like money—the carrot-and-stick approach. That's a mistake, says Daniel H. Pink (author of To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Motivating Others). In this provocative and persuasive new book, he asserts that the secret to high performance and satisfaction-at work, at school, and at home—is the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to do better by ourselves and our world.

Drawing on four decades of scientific research on human motivation, Pink exposes the mismatch between what science knows and what business does—and how that affects every aspect of life. He examines the three elements of true motivation—autonomy, mastery, and purpose-and offers smart and surprising techniques for putting these into action in a unique book that will change how we think and transform how we live.

490.00 L 245.00 L 245.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Puzzle I am lil polar bear 100 PCS
740.00 L 518.00 L 518.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
An overachiever must decide if risking her heart by working with her former crush turned enemy is worth the reward in this snappy rom-com, perfect for fans of Tweet Cute and Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry.

High school senior Autumn Reeves has been waitlisted at her dream school. Determined to move to the top of the list, she must find a way to stand out. When a promposal she planned for a friend has half the senior class asking for her help, a brilliant business idea that will look great on her application is born: Promposal Queen.

Autumn has no clue how to start a business, so she joins the Young Black Entrepreneurs group and finds herself face-to-face with Mekhi Winston, the boy whose unexpected freshman-year kiss—a kiss that meant everything to her and nothing to him—cost Autumn her best friend. He’s the only person with the experience to help her, but how can she possibly trust him?

With her dreams on the line, Autumn’s willing to risk it. After all, Mekhi could be a good business partner without being a guy she would ever let near her heart again.

But when working with Mekhi jeopardizes her only chance at rekindling a friendship with her ex-best-friend, and secrets long buried threaten to ruin Promposal Queen, another broken heart may be the least of her worries—her entire future is on the line.
540.00 L 270.00 L 270.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The 5 Practices of Highly Resilient People
Resilience is categorically misunderstood. It’s not merely about bouncing back, and it’s so much more than returning to where you began. True resilient “doing” allows us to capitalize on the inescapable challenges of life and become better than we were before.

Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal began working with brain injury patients and found that most popular beliefs about human resilience are incorrect. Since then, for the last 20 years, she has conducted qualitative research on the power of resilience, studying the science behind why some people succeed while others fail. Here, Dr. Taryn Marie outlines the five critical behaviors that define successful resilience: Vulnerability, Productive Perseverance, Connection, Gratiosity (Gratitude and Generosity), and Possibility. Resilient People bounce forward, take an active approach to facing challenges, and most importantly, they are made, not born.

Dr. Taryn Marie’s empirically proven framework shows us how to develop resilience practices in our own lives—as adults, as parents, and across organizations—in a manner that allows us to be enhanced by our experiences, not diminished.

770.00 L 385.00 L 385.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Se trata de uno los artistas más icónicos de la música en todo el mundo y se han escrito miles y miles de páginas sobre su carrera; sin embargo, en Surrender, es ahora Bono quien se sienta ante la hoja en blanco para contarnos, por primera vez y en primera persona, los detalles de su formidable vida y las personas con las que la ha compartido.

Su indistinguible voz nos conduce en un recorrido que va desde su infancia en Dublín, pasando por la repentina muerte de su madre cuando tenía 14 años y el insólito camino que hubo de recorrer U2 para convertirse en uno de los grupos de rock más influyentes del planeta, hasta llegar a un examen de las más de dos décadas que ha dedicado al activismo, luchando contra el SIDA y la pobreza extrema.

La escritura de Bono, con la que ha realizado un ejercicio de autorreflexión honesta, no exenta de un saludable sentido del humor, logra abrir más el foco sobre su vida, así como sobre su familia, sus amigos y sus creencias, los cuales le han servido de apoyo, acicate y ejemplo durante todos estos años.

890.00 L 445.00 L 445.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Islas Paradisiacas del Mundo
La idea que casi todos tenemos del paraíso puede aproximarse mucho a una isla perdida en mitad del océano; imaginamos un lugar mágico, apartado del ruido del mundo, donde una playa de arena blanca y aguas cristalinas dan paso a una naturaleza exótica. Pues bien, ese paraíso existe y además de soñar con estas islas podemos verlas e incluso saborearlas en este libro de cuidadas fotografías que recorre los cinco continentes en busca de los más preciosos escenarios naturales.

520.00 L 260.00 L 260.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Enciclopedia Ilustrada de los Dinosaurios
Ninguna otra criatura que haya habitado la Tierra ha despertado tanta curiosidad, fascinación y pasión como los dinosaurios. Estos increíbles seres se pasearon a sus anchas por el mundo para ser aniquilados abrupta y misteriosamente a finales del Cretácico. Pero dejaron infinidad de restos fosilizados que han servido para reconstruir su singular aspecto, sus características y su clasificación taxonómica.

630.00 L 441.00 L 441.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Cuestiones psicologicas
Sabemos que recorrer los caminos de la mente y del comportamiento no es fácil; por eso este libro presenta los grandes hitos de la psicología a través de preguntas clave con cuyas respuestas explorar nuestro interior: el inconsciente, los sueños, los recuerdos, las emociones, el lenguaje, la conducta o los diversos tipos de inteligencia; en definitiva, una guía para poder responder a la eterna diatriba: ¿Quién soy yo?

580.00 L 406.00 L 406.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Cake Pops, Cookie Pops y Tartas Decoradas
La llamada repostería divertida o de fantasía ha cruzado fronteras desde Estados Unidos conquistando el paladar internacional con piezas tan apetecibles como los cake pops, deliciosas piruletas rellenas de bizcocho y bañadas en chocolate con una decoración muy atractiva. Lo mismo puede decirse de las cookie pops, galletas con palito que se presentan con todo tipo de formas, sabores y colores y de las tartas decoradas tan espectaculares que parecen una pequeña escultura.

420.00 L 210.00 L 210.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
El libro de los accidentes
Hace mucho tiempo, Nathan vivía en una casa de campo con un padre maltratador, y nunca le ha contado a su familia lo que ocurrió allí. Hace mucho tiempo, Maddie era una niña que jugaba a las muñecas en su habitación y vio algo que no tendría que haber visto… Y ahora intenta recordar aquel momento traumático creando unas esculturas inquietantes. Hace mucho tiempo, algo siniestro y voraz deambulaba por los túneles y las montañas y las minas de carbón de su ciudad natal en la zona rural de Pensilvania. Ahora, Nate y Maddie Graves están casados y han regresado a ese lugar con su hijo, Oliver. Y ahora, lo que ocurrió hace mucho tiempo ha empezado a ocurrir otra vez… Y le está ocurriendo a Oliver. Conoce a un chico muy extraño que se convierte en su mejor amigo, un chico con secretos y afinidad por la magia negra. Esa magia negra los lleva al epicentro de una batalla entre el bien y el mal, un enfrentamiento por conservar el alma de la familia… Y puede que incluso la del mundo entero. Pero la familia Graves tiene un arma secreta: el amor que se profesan los unos a los otros.

780.00 L 390.00 L 390.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Las cuerdas del destino

Parece un día cualquiera. Te levantas, te sirves una taza de café, y sales.

Pero hoy, al abrir la puerta de tu casa, hay una pequeña caja de madera esperándote. Esa caja contiene tu destino: el número exacto de años que vas a vivir.

Desde los umbrales de las puertas de los suburbios hasta las jaimas del desierto, las personas de todos los continentes reciben la misma caja. En un instante, el mundo se sumerge en un caos absoluto. ¿De dónde proceden esas cajas? ¿Qué significan? ¿Lo que prometen es cierto?

A medida que la sociedad se une y se separa, todos se enfrentan a la misma decisión estremecedora: ¿desean saber cuánto tiempo van a vivir? Y, si es así, ¿qué harán con ese dato?

The Measure: Las cuerdas del destino traza el amanecer de este nuevo mundo a través de un inolvidable elenco de personajes cuyas decisiones y destinos se entretejen unos con otros: mejores amigos cuyos sueños quedan ligados para siempre, amigos por correspondencia que se refugian en lo desconocido, una pareja que no imaginaba tener que apresurarse, un médico que no puede salvarse a sí mismo y un político cuya caja se convierte en el polvorín que acaba por cambiarlo todo.

Fascinante y sumamente inspiradora, The Measure: Las cuerdas del destino es una historia arrolladora, ambiciosa y estimulante, sobre la familia, la amistad, la esperanza y el destino que nos anima a vivir la vida en toda su plenitud.

590.00 L 295.00 L 295.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
La mascara del rey maya
Palenque, 1952. Un calor húmedo y sofocante impregna la selva. A la sombra del Palacio, Alberto Ruz Lhuillier divisa cómo avanzan los trabajos en el Templo de las Inscripciones. El arqueólogo tuvo que esperar cuatro años para completar ese descenso que aguardaba bajo los escombros y esclarecer un misterio que aportaría entendimiento y luz sobre el antiguo mundo maya. Mas la puerta que ha abierto, y que había permanecido sellada por más de doce siglos, lo conducirá al centro mismo del inframundo, donde se halla la tumba de Pakal el Grande. El destino quiso que ese rey maya y aquel parisino de origen cubano, que eligió ser mexicano, acabaran unidos para la eternidad.

Tras un encuentro en Lisboa con Claudio Ruz, hijo de Alberto, con quien comparte la desolación de haber perdido a su padre demasiado pronto, Raquel —la narradora de esta historia— entabla una amistad un tanto ambigua que tiene como motivo la construcción de la novela del arqueólogo. Pero adentrarse en los misterios de esta vida extraordinaria, mientras deambulan por las ruinas de una civilización milenaria, los llevará a recorrer un pasadizo difícil de transitar: el de su propia orfandad. La novela se convierte así en una auténtica arqueología del adiós.
670.00 L 335.00 L 335.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Not That Kind of Ever After
Bella Marble’s life isn’t what she imagined. Instead of an author, she’s a receptionist at a small press. Instead of happily married, she’s single, and her lovey-dovey parents are divorcing. And to top it off, her best friend of twenty-nine years, Ellie Mathews, is moving out and marrying the heinously boring Mark. (He’s not worthy of her. No one could be). Bella feels rudderless, only slightly soothed by time spent with Ellie’s (not hot) brother, (he’s not hot) Marty (okay, he’s hot. But he’s also the aggravating brother she never had―right)?

When Marty recommends Bella stop looking for “the one” and just have fun, Bella finds a new, empowered side of herself. But when she posts a fairy-tale retelling of a disastrous one night stand on a storytelling app, all of a sudden, Bella has become @B.Enchanted. And she’s gone viral.

Now, Bella’s in a fight with Ellie, her new roommates are so, deeply, weird, and the pressure is mounting to find new fairy tales to write about―but she’s got to live them first.

“As side splittingly hilarious as it is empowering and emotional, Not That Kind of Ever After is a sparkling debut.”--Helena Hunting, bestselling author
530.00 L 265.00 L 265.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The Angel Maker
"Narrator Rosalie Craig is especially adept at providing varying voices to assist the listener in identifying characters."–AudioFile Magazine

This program is read by London Evening Standard Award-winning actor Rosalie Craig, who also plays Virginia in Netflix's 1899.

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Whisper Man and The Shadows comes a dark, suspenseful new thriller about the mysteries of fate, the unbreakable bond of siblings, and a notorious serial killer who was said to know the future.

Growing up in a beautiful house in the English countryside, Katie Shaw lived a charmed life. At the cusp of graduation, she had big dreams, a devoted boyfriend, and a little brother she protected fiercely. Until the day a violent stranger changed the fate of her family forever.

Years later, still unable to live down the guilt surrounding what happened to her brother, Chris, and now with a child of her own to protect, Katie struggles to separate the real threats from the imagined. Then she gets the phone call: Chris has gone missing and needs his big sister once more.

Meanwhile, Detective Laurence Page is facing a particularly gruesome crime. A distinguished professor of fate and free will has been brutally murdered just hours after firing his staff. All the leads point back to two old cases: the gruesome attack on teenager Christopher Shaw, and the despicable crimes of a notorious serial killer who, legend had it, could see the future.
590.00 L 295.00 L 295.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Ship Wrecked
From the bestselling author of Spoiler Alert, comes Ship Wrecked, the final romcom in Olivia Dade's fandom trilogy. Sparks fly when two co-stars finally yield to temptation after filming on the same remote island for years...

Maria's one-night-stand - the thick-thighed, sexy Viking of a man she left without a word or a note - just reappeared. Apparently, Peter's her surly Gods of the Gates co-star, and they're about to spend the next six years filming on a desolate Irish island together. She still wants him...but he now wants nothing to do with her.

Peter knows this role could finally transform him from a forgettable character actor into a leading man. He also knows a failed relationship with Maria could poison the set, and he won't sabotage his career for a woman who's already walked away from him once. Given time, maybe they can be cooperative colleagues or friends - possibly even best friends - but not lovers again. No matter how much he aches for her.

For years, they don't touch off-camera. But on their last night of filming, their mutual restraint finally shatters, and all their pent-up desire explodes into renewed passion. Too bad they still don't have a future together, since Peter's going back to Hollywood, while Maria's returning to her native Sweden. She thinks she needs more than he can give her, but he's determined to change her mind, and he's spent the last six years waiting. Watching. Wanting. His shipwrecked Swede doesn't stand a chance.
490.00 L 245.00 L 245.0 HNL Añadir al carrito