
Justice League: Endless Winter
There’s an extinction-level storm wreaking havoc on the entirety of Earth, and the Justice League finds themselves fighting a literal force of nature! Enter the Frost King, a monster mad with power, with an ice army at his command! What devastating mystery lies in his past? And how is he tied to Queen Hippolyta, Swamp Thing, Viking Prince, and their reluctant ally, Black Adam? Past mistakes and present dangers collide in this subzero story!This volume collects Justice League: Endless Winter #1-2, The Flash #767, Superman: Endless Winter Special #1, Aquaman #66, Justice League #58, Teen Titans: Endless Winter Special #1, Justice League Dark #29, and Black Adam: Endless Winter Special #1, the full run of Andy Lanning and Ron Marz’s icy epic as realized by a host of fan-favorite artists including Howard Porter, Marco Santucci, Clayton Henry, Phil Hester, Xermanico, and more!
880.00 L 440.00 L 440.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Superman and The Authority
Collecting Superman and the Authority #1-2. 
730.00 L 365.00 L 365.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera

Detrás de los retratos de Frida Kahlo se ocultan tanto la historia de su vida como la de su obra. Es precisamente esta combinación lo que cautiva al espectador. La obra de Frida es un testimonio de su vida. Pocas veces se puede aprender tanto acerca de un artista con sólo contemplar lo que inscribe dentro del marco de sus cuadros. Frida Kahlo es sin lugar a dudas la ofrenda de México a la historia del arte. La historia y las pinturas que Frida nos dejó revelar el valiente relato de una mujer en constante búsqueda de sí misma.
Al lado de Frida estuvo siempre el gran pintor y muralista mexicano Diego Rivera cuyos murales únicos hacen estallar las paredes en una explosión de representaciones de gran virtuosismo y su organización conmociona la mente del espectador. En esas paredes se juntan el hombre, su leyenda y sus mitos, su talento técnico, su intensa focalización sobre la narración de la Historia y sus convicciones ideológicas propensas a la auto-indulgencia.

920.00 L 644.00 L 644.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Chocolate: Pasion irresistible
Degustado con pasión desde la infancia, es posible que el chocolate sea de los pocos alimentos que siguen siendo irresistibles con el paso de loa años. Y es, además, una tentación mucho más saludable y beneficiosa de lo que pensamos. Todos los caprichos de la repostería con chocolate, se presentan como un regalo en las deliciosas recetas de este libro.
420.00 L 210.00 L 210.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Cuestiones politicas
Este libro de preguntas a las que dan respuesta dos diplomáticos, analiza progresivamente la actividad política desde el nacimiento de la democracia en la Grecia clásica hasta nuestros días, revisando los poderes del Estado, ya sean sistemas monárquicos o presidenciales, abordando sin miedo otros sistemas como las dictaduras y comprendiendo también las instituciones de carácter internacional.

540.00 L 378.00 L 378.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Muffins & Cupcakes
Un muffin es un bizcochito horneado que puede llevar diferentes rellenos dulces o salados, mientras que el cupcake presenta la misma base de bizcocho, pero se camufla bajo una cobertura. Con las sencillas recetas y originales decoraciones de los muffins y cupcakes de este libro podemos personalizar cualquier celebración, ya sean fiestas tradicionales o fiestas familiares.

420.00 L 210.00 L 210.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Tiburones insolitos
En este libro encontrarás los tiburones más grandes, los más pequeños, los más agresivos y los menos peligrosos, los más tímidos y los más atrevidos. Conocerás sus costumbres y su forma de vida, sus características físicas, su hábitats y su alimentación, y también datos y récords curiosos, acompañados de imágenes impresionantes. Todo ello te hará comprender mejor a estos depredadores insaciables.

300.00 L 210.00 L 210.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
La quinta victima
El FBI ha retirado del caso Anson Bishop (el asesino de El Cuarto Mono) a Porter y su equipo, que pronto se enfrentan a una nueva serie de asesinatos: tras estar desaparecida durante tres semanas, el cuerpo de Ella Reynolds aparece en un estanque del Parque Jackson, aunque el agua hace meses que se heló. Además, lleva la ropa de otra joven desaparecida hace tan sólo dos días. Porter y su equipo empiezan a reconstruir las pistas de este nuevo caso y, al mismo tiempo, en secreto, Porter sigue el rastro de Anson. Cuando sus superiores lo descubren, Porter queda suspendido de sus funciones mientras Clair y Nash buscan al asesino del lago. La pista de Anson llevará a Porter desde Chicago hasta Nueva Orleans y a Carolina del Sur. A cada paso que da, Anson parece estar manipulando los acontecimientos, siempre un paso por delante y Porter se da cuenta de que el único lugar más oscuro que la mente de un asesino en serie es la de la madre que le dio la vida.

720.00 L 360.00 L 360.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
La dieta personalizada
El nuevo paradigma nutricional para diseñar un plan de salud a tu medida.

Todos, en algún momento, hemos aprendido que hay alimentos buenos y malos. Pero ¿y si algo que adoras comer, como el helado o el chocolate, en realidad fuera bueno para ti? ¿Y si ese alimento que no soportas, como el tomate o la col rizada, fuera una mala opción para tu organismo?

Cuando los doctores Eran Segal y Eran Elinav publicaron su investigación en la prestigiosa revista Cell, el revuelo mediático no se hizo esperar. ¿Era posible que el enfoque de la dieta universal estuviera equivocado? Al analizar la respuesta de la glucosa en la sangre de miles de voluntarios a distintos alimentos, los autores no sólo descubrieron que el microbioma de cada individuo era determinante en si algo podía o no ser saludable para esa persona, sino que esa información podía ser utilizada para realizar modificaciones en la dieta o el estilo de vida que condujeran a una mayor pérdida de peso, más energía y una salud óptima. Ahora han traducido esos principios científicos probados en una guía fundamentada y accesible con la cual aprenderás:

• Los mitos más comunes sobre la alimentación sana.
• A detectar de manera exacta qué alimentos dificultan tu pérdida de peso.
• Cómo diseñar tu propia dieta personalizada.
¡Olvídate de las dietas genéricas! La mejor estrategia nutricional, única para tu cuerpo, está aquí.
640.00 L 320.00 L 320.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Cari mora
Bajo una antigua mansión de Pablo Escobar en la costa de Miami se ocultan veinticinco millones de dólares en oro. Un grupo de hombres sin escrúpulos lleva años buscándolos. Su líder es Hans-Peter Schneider, quien, impulsado por inconfesables apetitos, se gana la vida haciendo realidad las crueles fantasías de ricos y poderosos.

Cari Mora escapó de la violencia de su Colombia natal y el cuidado de la mansión es ahora uno de sus variados trabajos. En cuanto pone sus ojos en Cari, Hans-Peter se encapricha de ella. Pero Cari Mora es una superviviente. Y no es la primera vez que tiene que luchar para demostrarlo.

620.00 L 310.00 L 310.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
A traves de ti
510.00 L 255.00 L 255.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Champions: Worlds Collide
Worlds collide as the Champions come face-to-face with the Avengers! The countdown for a clash of generations begins when the twisted High Evolutionary sets the Earth on a catastrophic collision course with its opposite number: the unnatural Counter-Earth! Can the two teams put their turbulent history aside to meet this planetary threat - or will they be at each other's throats? And assuming they can find a way to work together, can even this awesome assemblage of heroes save two entire planets from destruction? Our young squad might not all make it out of this in one piece - which can mean only one thing: time for a membership drive! Pretty much every teen crimefighter wants to be a Champion for a day - but who will make the grade when the new order changeth?

Champions (2016) 13-18, Avengers (2017) 672-674

390.00 L 195.00 L 195.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Beware of Boys
Reality TV stardom gets way too personal for Charly St. James when three of the world's hottest heartthrobs want her to be their dream come true. . .

Now that Charly's a star, she wants to give back any way she can. So she's made The Extreme Dream Team's newest mission to help three sizzling celebs' charitable foundation build a super swanky retreat for teen girls who've battled an illness. But keeping things running smoothly is next to impossible when too many ideas--and egos--collide. . .

Handsome singer Mekel is dazzling Charly with a chance to join the glitterati. Boxer Lex has powerful hood moves and charm she can't resist. And hanging around movie heartthrob Faizon has Charlie feeling movie magic. The harder Charly struggles to keep things on track, the more they're coming apart--especially when her kinda boyfriend and co-star, Liam, starts competing for her attention. Now, Charly needs to figure out fast what--and who--she really wants most. . .

290.00 L 145.00 L 145.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The unexpected spy
A highly entertaining account of a young woman who went straight from her college sorority to the CIA, where she hunted terrorists and WMDs

"A thrilling tale...Walder’s fast-paced and intense narrative opens a window into life in two of America’s major intelligence agencies." (Publishers Weekly, starred review)

When Tracy Walder enrolled at the University of Southern California, she never thought that one day she would offer her pink beanbag chair in the Delta Gamma house to a CIA recruiter, or that she’d fly to the Middle East under an alias identity.

The Unexpected Spy is the riveting story of Walder's tenure in the CIA and, later, the FBI. In high-security, steel-walled rooms in Virginia, Walder watched al-Qaeda members with drones as President Bush looked over her shoulder and CIA Director George Tenet brought her donuts. She tracked chemical terrorists and searched the world for weapons of mass destruction. She created a chemical terror chart that someone in the White House altered to convey information she did not have or believe, leading to the Iraq invasion. Driven to stop terrorism, Walder debriefed terrorists - men who swore they’d never speak to a woman - until they gave her leads. She followed trails through North Africa, Europe, and the Middle East, shutting down multiple chemical attacks.

Then Walder moved to the FBI, where she worked in counterintelligence. In a single year, she helped take down one of the most notorious foreign spies ever caught on American soil. Catching the bad guys wasn’t a problem in the FBI, but rampant sexism was. Walder left the FBI to teach young women, encouraging them to find a place in the FBI, CIA, State Department or the Senate - and thus change the world.
790.00 L 395.00 L 395.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
A poppy rose
Welcome to my mind, a space where my thoughts roam free and my creativity soars. This is my universe, where I'll be sharing experiences on various topics. Self-discovery, love, anxiety, the ups and downs of this journey called life & more. Some of these poems have been with me since I can remember, and others have come to be through my evolution as I've learned more about myself and the world. Amidst the pages of my first book, you'll discover the journey of the poppy that rose.
500.00 L 250.00 L 250.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Doomsday Clock Part 2
The epic conclusion to the critically acclaimed Doomsday Clock by the renowned team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank. The truth behind DC Universe: Rebirth is revealed, and the final fate of the DC Universe is decided in a confrontation between Superman and Dr. Manhattan.Where or what is the Justice Society of America? Who is Wally West? As the answers to the mysteries plaguing our heroes reveal themselves one thing is certain. Their world will never be the same. With the Earth teetering on the brink of an international super-war, Black Adam and his followers make their move while our heroes are busy elsewhere. Dr. Manhattan has set his endgame into motion. The Doomsday Clock continues to tick toward midnight with the fate of the entire multiverse hanging in the balance.
720.00 L 360.00 L 360.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Superman action comics
In costume, Superman is the world's greatest hero. In plain clothes, he's Clark Kent, one of the Daily Planet's best investigative reporters. But on the streets of Metropolis, there's a new threat rising that neither of them can see...until it's too late.A new power called the Red Cloud has taken over the city's underworld, and it's like nothing Superman has ever faced before. As he chases down the story, his mind is preoccupied by the absence of his wife Lois Lane and their son Jonathan--leaving the Man of Tomorrow vulnerable to the mysterious new villain of today!Even with all his power, can the Man of Steel stop what's coming for his family and his city?
730.00 L 365.00 L 365.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Every Last Lie
New York Times bestselling author of THE GOOD GIRL Mary Kubica is back with another exhilarating thriller as a widow’s pursuit of the truth leads her to the darkest corners of the psyche.

Clara Solberg’s world shatters when her husband and their four-year-old daughter are in a car crash, killing Nick while Maisie is remarkably unharmed. The crash is ruled an accident…until the coming days, when Maisie starts having night terrors that make Clara question what really happened on that fateful afternoon.

Tormented by grief and her obsession that Nick’s death was far more than just an accident, Clara is plunged into a desperate hunt for the truth. Who would have wanted Nick dead? And, more important, why? Clara will stop at nothing to find out—and the truth is only the beginning of this twisted tale of secrets and deceit.

Told in the alternating perspectives of Clara’s investigation and Nick’s last months leading up to the crash, master of suspense Mary Kubica weaves her most chilling thriller to date—one that explores the dark recesses of a mind plagued by grief and shows that some secrets might be better left buried.
460.00 L 460.00 L 460.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Night Music
Isabel Delancey, a classical violinist, has always taken her comfortable life for granted. But when her husband dies suddenly, leaving her with a mountain of debt, she and her two children are forced to abandon their home and move to the Spanish House, a now-dilapidated manor Isabel inherited in the English countryside.

With the house falling down around them, and the last of her savings disappearing fast, Isabel turns to her neighbors for help, not knowing that her mere presence there has stirred up long-standing obsessions.

As she fights to make her house a home, passions and lives collide. Isabel will discover an instinct for survival she never knew she had— and that a heart can play a new song. . .

490.00 L 245.00 L 245.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The Fish That Ate the Whale
Named a Best Book of the Year by the San Francisco Chronicle and The Times-Picayune

The fascinating untold tale of Samuel Zemurray, the self-made banana mogul who went from penniless roadside banana peddler to kingmaker and capitalist revolutionary

When Samuel Zemurray arrived in America in 1891, he was tall, gangly, and penniless. When he died in the grandest house in New Orleans sixty-nine years later, he was among the richest, most powerful men in the world. Working his way up from a roadside fruit peddler to conquering the United Fruit Company, Zemurray became a symbol of the best and worst of the United States: proof that America is the land of opportunity, but also a classic example of the corporate pirate who treats foreign nations as the backdrop for his adventures.

Zemurray lived one of the great untold stories of the last hundred years. Starting with nothing but a cart of freckled bananas, he built a sprawling empire of banana cowboys, mercenary soldiers, Honduran peasants, CIA agents, and American statesmen. From hustling on the docks of New Orleans to overthrowing Central American governments and precipitating the bloody thirty-six-year Guatemalan civil war, the Banana Man lived a monumental and sometimes dastardly life. Rich Cohen's brilliant historical profile The Fish That Ate the Whale unveils Zemurray as a hidden power broker, driven by an indomitable will to succeed.
590.00 L 295.00 L 295.0 HNL Añadir al carrito