
Boarding School Juliet 4
Unhappy Fortune By My Brotherhood

All Romio Inuzuka wants is to wish his secret girlfriend Juliet Persia a happy birthday, but when Inuzuka's authoritarian older brother Airu suspects their relationship, the star-crossed couple's plans--and their confidence in keeping up their mad masquerade--all go down the tubes. Luckily, Persia's big day isn't over yet, and Inuzuka has one last chance to fool his big bro and meet up with her, and it just happens to involve roping the Black Doggies into "crashing" Persia's birthday bash at White Cat House!

330.00 L 330.00 L 330.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Lore Olympus Boxed
Scandalous gossip, wild parties, and forbidden love—witness what the gods do after dark in this boxed set containing the first three hardcover volumes of the Eisner Award–winning webcomic Lore Olympus, a stylish and contemporary reimagining of one of the best-known stories in Greek mythology

An ingenious take on the Greek Pantheon, Lore Olympus is a modern update on the story of Hades and Persephone. Follow the propulsive love story of two Greek gods, told with lavish artwork and contemporary sensibilities.

This full-color boxed set contains the first three volumes in Smythe’s Eisner Award-winning webcomic: Lore Olympus: Volume One, Lore Olympus: Volume Two, and Lore Olympus: Volume Three. Featuring the original hardcover editions and beautiful boxed case art from Smythe, these sharply perceptive and romantic graphic novels bring Greek mythology into the modern age.

2,480.00 L 2,480.00 L 2480.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Tower of God Volume Three
The action-packed, fast-paced global sensation Tower of God is a story of wealth, power, betrayal and revenge. Whatever you desire―you can find it here, at the Tower. When Bam’s best friend Rachel declares she’s going to climb the mysterious Tower, he risks everything and breaks inside to find her.

Twenty-Fifth Bam must journey skyward in a mysterious tower if he has any chance of reuniting with his best friend Rachel, even if that means facing his own death. Using his strength, skill and wits, Bam climbs higher and higher up the Tower despite the dangers. Bam makes both allies and enemies on his quest to find Rachel; however her intentions of reconnecting with him become unclear as new revelations about their friendship reveal a much deeper, darker secret.

Following a tense encounter with Princess Anaak, Bam, Khun, and Rak face off against all the other teams in the Crown Game showdown. With his weapon, the Black March, on the line, Bam will have to rely on his powerful yet mysterious teammates to win. But when a familiar figure shows up in the arena, all bets are off . .

590.00 L 590.00 L 590.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
La aventura de comer
De la mano del gran Quino, comer puede convertirse en una aventura muy divertida

«Cada libro de Quino es lo que más se parece a la felicidad: la quinoterapia.»- Gabriel García Márquez

Comilones, glotones, camareros torpes, clientes exigentes, chefs afrancesados, moscas ensopadas... El acto de comer puede ser una gran aventura, a la que el viñetista argentino galardonado con el premio Príncipe de Asturias nos invita con enormes dosis de humor, lucidez y ternura.

530.00 L 530.00 L 530.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
La doctora Cole
La doctora Cole es una mujer de nuestro tiempo. Tiene cuarenta años y su vida está determinada por un continuo conflicto de intereses.

Esta moderna novela es la última entrega de la trilogía de la familia Cole, conformada además por El médico y Chamán.

Las exigencias del matrimonio frente a la ambición profesional, los avances científicos frente a la conciencia social; la vida urbana frente al aprecio por los valores rurales, así como la lucha por preservar la vida frente al convencimiento del poder de decisión de una mujer.

Fiel a la tradición familiar, que ha hecho de la medicina un sacerdocio, la doctora R.J. Cole decide dejar Boston para volver al campo y trabajar como médico rural. Allí, en las colinas de Massachusetts, podrá recobrar ese don de adivinación tan peculiar que ya distinguió a sus antepasados y volverá a descubrir aquellos placeres que la gran ciudad le había arrebatado.

460.00 L 460.00 L 460.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Mafalda presidenta
Las tiras más contestatarias de Mafalda: para la risa y la reflexión, hoy más que nunca

«Mafalda es una heroína de nuestro tiempo.»
Umberto Eco

540.00 L 540.00 L 540.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
True Beauty Volume Two
True Beauty, a smash hit webcomic from Korea…

Mastering the art of makeovers, Jugyeong Lim navigates high school, and then college while her self-esteem, romantic life, and career are constantly in flux…

Jugyeong Lim has been treated unfairly by her family and bullied by her enemies due to being perceived as ugly. She learns how to use makeup by binge-watching online video tutorials. As she slowly masters the art of makeovers, her dramatic transformation leads to her overwhelming popularity and fame. Armed with her newfound beauty, Jugyeong is in a love triangle with two of the most handsome boys at school: Suho, the stoic mystery man who knows her secret and Seojun, the "bad boy." Jugyeong must balance the pitfalls of her popularity with the newfound pressures of young adulthood.

In this second book of the series, Jugyeong and Suho begin to develop feelings for each other. Does Jugyeong finally have a boyfriend? But then a new guy, Seojun, steps into the scene, and he’s seen Jugyeong’s true face! Will Jugyeong be able to keep Seojun from revealing her secret?

This volume collects episodes 14–26 of the hit WEBTOON comic.

590.00 L 590.00 L 590.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
True Beauty Volume One
True Beauty, a smash hit webcomic from Korea…

Jugyeong Lim has been treated unfairly by her family and bullied by her enemies due to being perceived as ugly. She learns how to use makeup by binge-watching Youtube tutorials. As she slowly masters the art of makeovers, her dramatic transformation leads to her overwhelming popularity and fame.

Armed with her newfound beauty, Jugyeong is in a love triangle with two of the most handsome boys at school: Suho, the stoic mystery man who knows her secret and Seojun, the "bad boy." But will her elite status be short-lived? How long can she keep her true appearance a secret?

Living in a society where people are judged based on their physical appearance, Jugyeong navigates both high school and her college life, while her self-esteem, romantic life and career are constantly in flux.

590.00 L 590.00 L 590.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
El infinito en un junco comic
La adaptación gráfica del ensayo revelación de nuestro tiempo, traducido a 35 idiomas, y con más de un millón de ejemplares vendidos en todo el mundo. El infinito en un junco, de Irene Vallejo, es un canto extraordinario al amor por los libros que ha seducido a millones de personas en todo el mundo. Este libro sobre libros emprende un nuevo vuelo en forma de adaptación gráfica a cargo del dibujante Tyto Alba, cuyas excepcionales ilustraciones nos trasladan a los campos de batalla de Alejandro Magno, los palacios de Cleopatra, las primeras librerías y los talleres de copia manuscrita, pero también a las hogueras donde ardieron códices prohibidos, la biblioteca bombardeada de Sarajevo y el laberinto subterráneo de Oxford en el año 2000. Estos dibujos y acuarelas, que cuentan la historia de un artefacto incomparable nacido hace cinco milenios, cuando los egipcios descubrieron el potencial de un junco al que llamaron papiro, nos hacen partícipes de la aventura colectiva de quienes han salvaguardado los libros durante casi tres mil años.

540.00 L 540.00 L 540.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Chainsaw Man Vol. 12
Broke young man + chainsaw demon = Chainsaw Man!

Denji was a small-time devil hunter just trying to survive in a harsh world. After being killed on a job, he is revived by his pet devil Pochita and becomes something new and dangerous—Chainsaw Man!

Meet awkward high school student Asa Mitaka. She may have trouble getting along with her fellow students and the class pet devil chicken, but Asa has something special going for her. And it may lead her right to Chainsaw Man!

340.00 L 340.00 L 340.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Spider-Ham: Hollywood May-Ham
Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham hits the PIG time... in Hollywood!
Legendary director Alfred Peacock has acquired the rights to bring Spider-Ham’s spectacular story to the silver screen. There’s only one, itsy-bitsy problem: Spider-Ham didn’t sell those rights, and Peacock is getting the origin all wrong―making our hero out to be a monstrous menace! Once he catches wind of the perilous production, Peter Porker uses his Daily Beagle connections to secure on-set credentials, where he not so subtly tries to improve the film’s depiction of his alter ego and fix all the “continuity errors” in the movie.

Behind the scenes, Porker soon discovers that some very shady characters are bankrolling the entire operation, in a bid to convince the residents of New Yolk City that their porcine protector is a threat who must be eliminated. Now, Spider-Ham must face down an army of ninja production assistants and some truly shoddy CGI to prevent this box-office bomb from blowing up his reputation! Will everyone's favorite pig clear his name? Or is this porky protector headed for the cutting room floor?

260.00 L 260.00 L 260.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Level Up 2024
Gear up for the ultimate annual video game guide! Level Up 2024 is brimming with tips and tricks on the year's hottest games!
Get set for crazy year of gaming with this mega guide to all the year's best! Level Up 2024 is your one-stop-shop guide to all the coolest games and consoles. Inside you'll find hidden gems and need-to-know info on everything from Legend of Zelda and Pokemon to Fortnite and Genshin Impact.

All games featured in AFK's Level Up 2024 are rated T for Teen or younger -- perfect for young gamers.

440.00 L 440.00 L 440.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Mafalda Inedita
Mafalda es, junto a sus amigos Felipe, Susanita, Manolito, Miguelito y Libertad, un símbolo de nuestra sociedad. Una niña inconformista, solidaria y sensible que nació en 1964, como decía Quino, como "una niña que intenta resolver el dilema de quiénes son los buenos y quiénes los malos en este mundo". Desde el principio dio muestras de un gran espíritu crítico, y ya en sus primeras viñetas le construía un diván a su muñeca para psicoanalizarla. Hoy Mafalda sigue invitándonos a pensar, a huir del prejuicio, a amar y a soñar con un mundo mejor, y seguimos acudiendo a ella para conseguir entendernos a nosotros mismos y al loco mundo en que vivimos.

490.00 L 490.00 L 490.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Mafalda lata roja
Mafalda es, junto a sus amigos Felipe, Susanita, Manolito, Miguelito y Libertad, un símbolo de nuestra sociedad. Una niña inconformista, solidaria y sensible que nació en 1964, como decía Quino, como «una niña que intenta resolver el dilema de quiénes son los buenos y quiénes los malos en este mundo». Desde el principio dio muestras de un gran espíritu crítico, y ya en sus primeras viñetas le construía un diván a su muñeca para psicoanalizarla.

Hoy Mafalda sigue invitándonos a pensar, a huir del prejuicio, a amar y a soñar con un mundo mejor, y seguimos acudiendo a ella para conseguir entendernos a nosotros mismos y al loco mundo en que vivimos. Esta edición especial presenta los 11 tomos de la colección de tiras cómicas de Mafalda en una elegante caja de lata.

1,920.00 L 1,920.00 L 1920.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Shikimori es mas que una cara bonita 5
Ya ha terminado el festival cultural del instituto y, tras un pequeño bache, Izumi y Shikimori están más enamorados que nunca. Ahora es el turno del festival de deportes, y la clase se dispone a formar equipos de cinco para competir en la carrera de relevos. Izumi se juntará con sus amigos y Shikimori para crear un grupo, pero deberá entrenar duro si no quiere resultar una carga para sus compañeros. Con la ayuda de las extraordinarias habilidades de su novia, Izumi se dejará la piel para ganar la carrera y llevar el equipo a la victoria. Con Shikimori a su lado, ¡los días grises de Izumi, siempre perseguido por la mala suerte, han quedado atrás y por delante solo se vislumbra felicidad!

240.00 L 240.00 L 240.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Shikimori es mas que una cara bonita 4
Tras la romántica cita de Izumi con Shikimori para ver los fuegos artificiales, ¡el verano ha finalizado! Ahora toca volver al instituto con energías renovadas, justo cuando comienzan los festivales culturales. En la clase de los tortolitos han decidido que para el festival harán una cafetería con los animales como motivo principal. Mientras Izumi prepara los disfraces, se queda tres horas a solas con Kamiya, la capitana del equipo de baloncesto y que… ¡está colada por Izumi desde hace mucho tiempo! La aparición de una rival no pondrá las cosas fáciles a Shikimori y puede que lleve a más de un malentendido… ¿Supondrá este obstáculo el fin de la relación entre nuestros protagonistas?

240.00 L 240.00 L 240.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Shikimori es más que una cara bonita 6
¡Llega el sexto tomo de Shikimori es más que una cara bonita! ¿Podrán Izumi y Shikimori curar los sentimientos heridos y superar los baches de su relación?

¡Es el gran día! El grupo de amigos se presenta al festival deportivo y los patosos de Hachimitsu e Izumi... ¡también participan! Como es normal, todos quieren ganar, aunque se conformarían con no hacer el ridículo. Una vez las actividades del semestre hayan terminado, Izumi y Shikimori por fin podrán pasar tiempo a solas. Sus padres, los amigos y los sentimientos heridos entre ambos han complicado la relación... pero Izumi puede que tenga un plan.

240.00 L 240.00 L 240.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Spy x Family, Vol. 4
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath!

Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment—to get married and have a kid—he may finally be in over his head!

The Forgers look into adding a dog to their family, but this is no easy task—especially when Twilight has to simultaneously foil an assassination plot against a foreign minister! The perpetrators plan to use trained dogs for the attack, but Twilight gets some unexpected help to stop these terrorists.

290.00 L 290.00 L 290.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Spy x Family, Vol. 3
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath!

Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment—to get married and have a kid—he may finally be in over his head!

Twilight has overcome many challenges in putting together the Forger family, but now all his hard work might come undone when Yor’s younger brother Yuri pops in for a surprise visit! Can Twilight outsmart Yuri, who actually works for the Ostanian secret service?!

290.00 L 290.00 L 290.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The Promised Neverland 6
The children of the Grace Field House orphanage must escape a macabre fate before it’s too late.

Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they have to take are tough, their loving caretaker provides them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But perhaps not everything is as it seems…

The children have successfully escaped Grace Field House, but their troubles are just beginning. Now up against a dangerous natural world and their demon pursuers, Emma and Ray struggle to lead the children to safety. Just when the situation is at its most dire, a mysterious girl suddenly appears. Is she there to help, or is it a demonic trap…?

300.00 L 300.00 L 300.0 HNL Añadir al carrito